Monthly Archives: March 2012

The Way Forward Part Two: Cleveland and its Possibilities

Here’s part two of my interview with John Winer of the Candlewood Media Collective on emerging new economic alternatives. (Part 1 can be found here.)

Download: The Way Forward Part 2: Cleveland and its Possibilities

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Washington Post: From the atom bomb to attacking Iran? A leadership lesson from our nuclear history

From the atom bomb to attacking Iran? A leadership lesson from our nuclear history

The Washington Post, Published: March 7, 2012

This piece is part of an On Leadership special feature exploring the present-day Iran tensions in the context of leadership lessons from crises confronted by Presidents Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy.

First the shock of the atomic bomb, and then: a shock of questions.

Though often taken for granted today, after World War II numerous top military leaders — from the hawkish Gen. Curtis Lemay to President Dwight D. Eisenhower — went public with statements declaring that the atomic bombing of Japan was completely unnecessary. Even Adm. William D. Leahy, the president’s chief of staff, bluntly stated: “The use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan.”

Whatever one thinks of the decision, that these and many other top military figures would make public such view raises obvious questions about the leadership process by which the decision was made — as well, inevitably, about the wisdom of the decision itself. Had President Harry S. Truman heard more dissenting voices during the decision-making process, the nuclear history of our world may have been far different.

And yet Truman didn’t hear them, though not because they weren’t speaking. If there is one leadership lesson we should take from the decision to use the bomb nearly 70 years ago, it is the importance for our presidents to truly attend to dissenting views.

Right now, as we look out at the next chapter of our world’s nuclear history — the possibility of a nuclear Iran and the question of whether Obama will support an attack — we should be reminded of this lesson, and what can happen when a president makes a profound decision without the full weight of robust and diverse debate.

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Podcast: The way forward

I recently sat down with John Winer of the Candlewood Media Collective to discuss potential paths to a new economy; some of the conversation is slated to appear in a forthcoming documentary film, but I’m pleased to be able to offer the whole conversation here in podcast form.  Part 1 is below, part 2 coming in a few days.  [Subscribe to my podcast in iTunes * Podcast link]

Download 3/7/ Podcast: Interview with John Winer (1/2)

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